David Brooks

David Brooks

David Brooks has a gift for bringing audiences face to face with the spirit of our times with humor, insight and quiet passion. He is a keen observer of the American way of life and a savvy analyst of present-day politics and foreign affairs. He holds several prestigious positions as a commentator including bi-weekly Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times and regular analyst on PBS NewsHour and NPR’s All Things Considered.

Brooks’ newest book, The Road to Character, explains why selflessness leads to greater success. He tells the story of ten great lives that illustrate how character is developed, and how we can all strive to build rich inner lives, marked by humility and moral depth. In a society that emphasizes success and external achievement, The Road to Character is a book about inner worth.

His previous books include The Social Animal, On Paradise Drive, and Bobos in Paradise. David worked at The Wall Street Journal for nine years and has written for The New Yorker, Forbes, The Washington Post, and many other periodicals.

David Brooks’s book

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