
Join the Festival team

The Sonoma Valley Authors Festival takes place at the Fairmont Hotel and Spa, but many memorable moments also take place during our free community events, including our Students Day and Authors on the Plaza celebrations.

For these events, we rely on dedicated book lovers, who volunteer their time to greet and register guests, offer directions, answer questions, and manage the crowd movement. Volunteers able to work longer shifts and participate for multiple days are of our greatest need.

Due to limited capacity, volunteers are not guaranteed seats during author presentations and lectures, yet off-duty volunteers are invited to sit in on presentations when space permits.

NOTE: The volunteer request submission process for the 2025 festival is closed.

Stimulating the minds and nurturing the souls of readers

TEL: 707.282.9028 | admin@svauthorsfest.org

Sonoma Valley Authors Festival is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, tax ID 84-4846165

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